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Andrea Krinsky
Andrea Krinsky
475.131443 IL

Testimonial from Vivian and Steve:

Our realtor, Andrea Krinsky, possesses the take charge personality that my husband and I needed to overcome my passivity in selling my house. I probably would still be deciding what the selling price should be if not for Andrea! I would not have proceeded so quickly in clearing out the house or packing either. Andrea didn’t let me delay; she kept encouraging me to pack up or donate the furniture, books, clothing, children’s school papers, and household items that had been stored in my house for almost 25 years.

Not only was Andrea our cheerleader, but she was an active participant in the process, bringing her cleaning help with her when she came to help us. She recommended a mover also. When the buyers asked if I could be ready to close a couple of weeks earlier than we had planned, I said “no.” No way could I be ready so soon. But Andrea said “yes” and personally helped me do it!

I recommend Andrea highly for her skills, advice, energy and ability to help me to sell my house efficiently and quickly.

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